It’s been a big year at Bartlett. Here are some of the highlights…

It is critical that regulators engage with industry to strike the correct balance between safety and commercial viability. In this respect, our MD Allan Bartlett was kept very busy during 2017 in his role as Chair of the Commercial Vehicle Industry Association Victoria (CVIAV) advisory committee. Allan and other CVIAA National members partnered or participated in the following major industry events in

– Presenter / co-organiser – Heavy Vehicle Modification and Innovation Conference in March run in partnership with the Australian Road Transport Suppliers Association (ARTSA) at CVIAA’s Melbourne headquarters in March 2017.
– Presenter – Brisbane Truck Show. ARTSA and the National Bulk Tanker Association (NBTA) held a combined meeting on 25 May to update industry on trends, valuable data and notable safety issues. Attendees included vehicle and equipment manufacturers and the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator. Allan revealed the Practical Guide to the Vehicle Standards Bulletin 6 (VSB6) poster and participated in a panel discussion. VSB6 is the transport industry Code of Practice for the modification of heavy vehicles. Allan was a key player in the design and production of the poster.
– Speaker – Technical & Maintenance Conference (TMC), Melbourne in November (see above photo).
Featured in both Diesel and Trailer trade mags highlighting and discussing the Chain of Responsibility (CoR) changes coming in 2018 for the industry.
2018 is promising to be an equally busy year when it comes to Bartlett being a key player in the formulation of policy and useful information and tools for industry.

On the home front, Allan and the Bartlett team spent 2017 updating Bartlett’s unique towbar compliance reports and rating plates (see article, below) whilst also developing the very exciting Bare Knuckle® heavy vehicle towing chain system for impending release. Bare Knuckle® safety chain system will be the world’s strongest dedicated trailer safety chain system. From 2 tonnes up to 50 tonnes, Bare Knuckle is the passive safety system that stands guard, ready to jump into action in the event of accidental coupling separation.